- 自动拷贝文件
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- 批量自动移动文件并自动建立同名文件夹
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OSG中采用四元数表示旋转:osg::Quat(angle to rotate, rotate around axis);
///Q quaternion * P quaternion means that first conduct a rotation
P,Second conduct a rotation Q, means a fusion about two rotations with a
multiplication operation ///***
The osg coordinate definition as left-hand coordinate which is right-front-up(x-y-z) and the OpenGL coordinate definition also as left-hand coordinate which is right-up-behind(x-y-z), z axis is pointer to outside the screen The OSG default viewport is along down direction, so heading is rotate to be equal to the y positive direction, rotate axis is x axis
Here, i'm trying to sequeeze a normal video to a n times faster. But, i found that there are many ways to relize this, such as
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Directly download the binary executable file from the official page. Move
to the bin folder and run the ./ffmpeg
in command line.
For example the "ffmpeg-master-latest-win64-gpl-shared" file.