

B-Spline(=Basic Spline)


  • 需要利用样条函数拟合时相连续的数据,e.g. IMU data。
  • 利用样条函数拟合散点,做表面拟合,e.g. 构建mesh或者其他光滑的表面。
  • 路径规划中使用样条线对A*算法进行优化,得到更加平滑的路径。
  • 多传感器融合任务中,e.g.多传感器标定时,为了内插任意时刻的状态,实现多传感器的时间对齐,使用B-spline做内插。


​ 大白话来说,B样条曲线其实就是分段多项式,每个分段内的函数又由每个分段内多个子函数(基函数)叠加而成,不同基函数之间有不同的占比。处于高阶的基函数又由相邻分段节点处的低阶基函数得到,由此形成一个不断传递(递归)的过程,直到全部的都计算完毕。B-spline曲线就是每个控制点乘以自己对应的权重系数函数(基函数),然后再求和,控制点是后期指定的,权重函数是预先定义好的,只跟阶数有关,与控制点无关。

Terminologies Notation Explanation
Independent Variable \(t\) In state estimation, the independent variable is time \(t\). \(t\) 应该包含\(k\)的范围的实数,而\(k\)一定是正整数
Order(阶) \(n\) Same as the order of final polynomial, the highest exponent. For instance, \(f(x) = 3x^3\) has an order of 4. 样条曲线的阶是样条曲线的次数加一。样条曲线的阶越高,控制点越多。二次样条的阶数是三,样条曲线段与三个控制点决定;三次样条的阶数是四,样条曲线段与四个控制点决定。
Degree(次) \(p\) Same as the degree of final polynomial, the highest exponent. For instance, \(f(x) = 3x^3\) has an degree of 3. 所构成样条曲线的一段光滑参数曲线段,由控制多边形的相邻连续的几段折线段决定,就是几次样条,最常用的就是二次和三次样条。二次样条的某一曲线段只与相应的两段折线段,三个控制多边形顶点有关,改变其中一个顶点,将影响三段样条曲线段。同样的,对三次样条,某一曲线段由相应的三段折线段,四个控制点决定。
Segment Index \(i\) A B-Spline is combined with piecewise polynomial, each piece is a segment. 样条曲线是由一组逼近控制多边形的光滑参数曲线段构成,这些曲线段就是样条曲线段。
Knot Vector \(\mathbf{k}\) \(k_0 \leq k_1 \leq ... \leq k_{m-1}\), The connect knot, or joint, between every piece of polynomial segment. ==Knot vector lies in the axis of independent variable \(t\)==. knot是被提前设计好的,一般被设计成为一组非递减的正整数。
Basis Function \(B_{i,p}(t)\) In the expression, \(i\) is the index of polynomial segment, \(p\) is the degree of the basis function.
Control Points(数值) \(C_i\) Also named as ==coefficients==. Control points are used to describe the weight of each piece of polynomial segment. 构成特征多边形的各段折线的端点,就是特征多边形的顶点,也叫做控制多边形的控制点。只有在特殊情况下,样条曲线才能通过控制点(如果从白赛尔曲线那边一直研究过来,这句话会好理解一些)。不同的控制点的值*各自定义域内的Basis Function的值就=不同的B-Spline曲线。控制点的\(i\)是和分段对\(i\)应的,也就是不同的分段会对应不同的控制值,一旦定义好bspline的初始函数之后,其实在不同定义域内初始函数的响应值是一样的,但是被不同的控制值作用之后就不一样了。


​ 下图很直观的表达了B样条曲线的形成过程。注意这里的示意图都是按照Cox-de Boor recursion formula来实现的,因此零次样条线表现出一个反脉冲的形式。

​ 以一般的基函数如\(B_{1,0}(t)\)所示(蓝色)为例,为0次1阶基函数在第一段(属于[0,1)区间)的表达,基函数只有在\(K_0,K_1\)处的相应为0.0,其他均为1.0。

Figure.1 Iterative composition of basis functions. Each segment of basis function \(B_{i,p}(t)\) is composed by its adjacent basis functions in lower degree, which are \(B_{i,p-1}(t)\) and \(B_{i + 1,p-1}(t)\). While basis functions in degree 0 are ==unit square wave signals==. py_code

Figure.2 The point \(P_{0,2}\) of basis function \(B_{0,2}(t)\) (order3, degree 2 and segment 0), is evaluated by the weighted combination of \(B_{0,1}(t)\) and \(B_{1,1}(t)\). The weight of each component is defined by the distance between \(P_{0,2}\) and its correspondent knot points (or equivalently linear interpolation). As shown in the figure, the knot vector is \([0, 3, 6, 9]^T\). py_code

Figure.3 A B-Spline with degree 2, named \(S_2(t)\) is generated by weighted combinations of all its basis functions. The weight comes from control points, which are \([1.2, 0.8, 1.1, 1.2, 1.1]\) in the figure. The brown dash lines show how control point affect the weight of basis function, these lines finally compose the brown spline. The knot vector is \([0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7]^T\). B-Spline

严格数学定义Cox-de Boor recursion formula




​ Let \(\mathbf{K}\) be a set of \(m\) non-decreasing numbers, \(k_0 \leq k_1 \leq ... \leq k_{m-1}\). The \(k_i\)s are called knot vector, and the ==half-open interval== [\(k_i,k_{i+1}\)) the \(i\)-th knot span. Note that since some \(k_i\)s may be equal, some knot spans (knot span=\(k_i \sim k_{i+1}\)) may not exist. If the knots are ==equally spaced== (i.e. \(k_{i+1}-k_i\) is a constant for \((0\leq i \leq m-1)\)), the knot vector or the knot sequence is said ==uniform==; otherwise, it is non-uniform. The \(i\)-th B-spline basis function of degree \(p\), written as \(B_{i,p}(t)\), is defined recursively as follows: \[ \begin{align} \label{Cox-de Boor Recursion Formula} B_{i,0}(t)&= \left\{ \begin{array}{cc} 1 & if \quad t_i \leq t \leq t_{i+1} \\\\ 0 & otherwise \end{array} \right. \\ B_{i,p}(t)&=\frac{t-t_i}{t_{i+p}-t_i}B_{i,p-1}(t)+\frac{t_{i+p+1}-t}{t_{i+p+1}-t_{i+1}}B_{i+1,p-1}(t) \end{align} \]

where If the degree is zero (i.e., \(p\) = 0), these basis functions are all step functions \(\ref{Cox-de Boor Recursion Formula}\). Basis function \(B_{i,0}(t)\) is 1 if \(t\) in the \(i\)-th knot span [\(k_i,k_{i+1}\)).

With control points: \[ \begin{align} \label{Cox-de Boor Recursion Formula w gcp} N(t) = \Sigma_{i=0}^{n} P_{i}*B_{i,p}(t) \end{align} \]


​ 推导过程详见3,通过三角形法则可以不断计算出更高次的基函数的值。虽然比较麻烦,但是思路挺简单的。


​ 文章4使用Toeplitz 矩阵将B-spline和Bezier曲线表示为广义矩阵形式。这种表示形式的好处除了更加高效之外,还方便计算导数,方便次数增加和减少任务。



  • 样条曲线是连续的,而且曲率变化均匀,B-spline在节点处一阶、二阶导数连续,Cubic Spline在三阶处的导数也连续

  • the domain is subdivided by knots. 整个分布空间定义域所处的domain被knot分割开

  • basis functions are not non-zero on the entire interval. In fact, each B-spline basis function is non-zero on a few adjacent subintervals and, as a result, B-spline basis functions are quite "local" (local support). B-spline的基函数在局部subintervals是非零的,并不是一直有值,也就是k的定义域在1阶0次基函数中是在局部定义域内响应的

  • \(u_i\) is a multiple knot of multiplicity k, written as \(u_i(k)\). knot 是可以重复存在的,knot vector是全部knot组成的,knot其实是预先设定好的,在既定位置上存在的点。

  • Basic function \(B_{i,p}(t)\) is non-zero on [\(k_i,k_{i+p+1}\)). Or, equivalently, \(B_{i,p}(t)\) is non-zero on \(p+1\) knot spans. 想要找到高次基函数所对应的非零区间,可以用三角形法则反向查找,所对应的区间加起来就是其所对应的非零区间3,随着阶数的升高,k对应的定义域是在不断变化的,\(k \in \left[ k_i, k_{i+p+1} \right)\).

  • On any knot span [\(k_i,k_{i+1}\)), at most \(p+1\) degree \(p\) basis functions are non-zero. 可以根据subinterval区间找到哪些高次基函数是非零的

  • 给定knot vector \(\mathbf{K}\)和阶数\(n\),每段函数在knot节点处的连续性等于\(C^{n-2}\)

  • 生成B-Spline时,所需knots的数量m和阶数n,以及控制点的数量有关。即m=n+1+控制点数量

  • B-Spline 分为opened 和clamped两种,区别在于是否是B-Spline通过起始点和终止点。前者否,后者是


  • 一个直观的基于Web的Spline可视化界面。手动选择knot可直接显示Spline,可以移动knot。
  • C++版基于OpenGL实现的Spline可视化代码,但是没测试过。
  • 医学图像领域基于TPS实现图片编辑的vs工程
  • A tool for interactive interpolation of splines. Select any points and visualize how different splines are modelled. 对比不同曲线之间的差异。带界面,推荐。
  • MATLAB版本的绘制B-spline曲线和表面的。对于MATLAB用户来说非常好用。下面是两个实例结果,非常直观形象。就是拟合大数据的时候会比较慢。不过作为示意图够使用了。
  • 基于VTK实现的Spline可视化,包含TPS等样条曲线。
  • pySpline produces B-spline curves, surfaces, and volumes一个基于python的,但是目前没有环境,没有测试。


  1. https://xiaoxingchen.github.io/2020/03/02/bspline_in_so3/ ↩︎
  2. 样条曲线的次数和阶数分别是什么意思,能举例说明一下吗? - potato的回答 - 知乎 https://www.zhihu.com/question/43028324/answer/399976433 ↩︎
  3. https://pages.mtu.edu/~shene/COURSES/cs3621/NOTES/spline/B-spline/bspline-basis.html ↩︎
  4. Qin K. General matrix representations for B-splines[C]//Proceedings Pacific Graphics' 98. Sixth Pacific Conference on Computer Graphics and Applications (Cat. No. 98EX208). IEEE, 1998: 37-43. ↩︎




publish time:2025-02-08

update time:2025-02-08

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